Consultancy – WP Consultancy & Business Theme
Consultancy & Business WordPress theme. It’s not just ordinary WordPress theme, its a new look of soft and clean professionalism for the Consultancy or Business. These designs combine creativity with simplicity on each page. This WordPress theme is suitable for all Consultancy & Business centers and corporate business. Also included 13 PSD Files. Full document and Support
Main Features
- Ready for WordPress 4.4, WordPress 4.3.1, WordPress 4.3, WordPress 4.2, WordPress 4.0
- Very Simple Theme Options Settings – All Graphic/Just Click
- Visual composer (with our own shortcodes added) create amazing layouts with just clicks. Create as many columns as you want. Insert any shortcode
- Revolution slider included – latest Revolution Slider 5 included, which offers amazing sliders for your landing page
- Optional menu highlight – make special elements in your menu stand out to each page
- Home
- You have free hands creating you home page
- Use all the shortcodes to get the best out of your landing page
- Use Revolution Slider which is included
- About us
- Introduce your company
- Point out your team members as well as your main features
- News
- Keep your site alive
- Amazing design for passing your news
- Portfolio
- Choose between Carousel and Detail layout
- Set number of columns for each layout
- Services
- Point out all your services with different layouts
- You can add an image or font icon to each service – which will make it stand out even more
- Use a predesigned single layout or create them from scratch
- Blog
- Post whats new
- Be interactive – get customers comments
- Use different post types: image, gallery, video ,audio
- Contact
- Show your location
- Point out your address / contact info
- Add a contact form for interaction
- Page titles – add subtitle and background image
- Upper header – point out your contact info
- XML export for demo look
- Responsive design: fits for each device
- Retina ready
- Strong documentation added to download package
- Yoast Seo WordPress plugin compatible
- Shortcodes – Theme includes all shortcodes from Visual Composer. We have also added some
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